Research gains valuable insights for what people want, which products and services will align to your target market, and how to continuously improve those products and services.
At Empoweriss, as we embark on our journey of offering advertising services to entrepreneurs, we would like more insights into how many local people are currently entrepreneurs, how many people are interested in becoming an entrepreneur, and how optimistic people are towards the future. Are entrepreneurs more optimistic than the general population? More pessimistic? Why and is there a way for us at Empoweriss to help entrepreneurs and the general population? Also, is there a connection between demographics such as race, age, gender etc. to entrepreneurship and how optimistic people are? This provides very valuable information because for example if we find that Black entrepreneurs are significantly more pessimistic than White entrepreneurs that will let us and others know that we need to learn why this discrepancy is occurring and ways that may allow Black entrepreneurs to become more optimistic. This is just an example and can be true or false for any demographic including Latinos, Women, Men, entrepreneurs in their 20s, entrepreneurs in their 70s, etc. This research can also be valuable for the general population because for example if we find Latinos are more pessimistic about the future than people from other races than we can begin learning why and what can help. This research has the ability to offer a wealth of knowledge and insights.
You can win $5 on select daily raffle days and one person can win $50 on our raffle which will be held on December 10!
This research project was developed by our Marketing and Creative Assistant, Tania who is a very talented researcher! She is a recent graduate from the University of Akron and has previously conducted research relating to stress during the pandemic to gain insights about how different ethnicities were experiencing stress along with other research projects!
If you are interested in having a survey developed for your business please contact Empoweriss as we may be able to start offering that service soon!

Every Business is Unique!
We realize your goals are different than other businesses. You want to stand out. You want to be ahead of the game! Empoweriss, LLC will listen to develop a deep understanding of your business and what the best strategies to help you grow are. We utilize creativity, flexibility, and even experimental methods to help you stay steps ahead of other businesses.

Custom Poster Design and Print

Get a Custom Made Poster for Your Business!
We will analyze your business aestetics and create a poster to highlight what makes your company great! See the poster we made for LiRo Apparel!

Another Example of our Printed Posters! Books Posters we Printed for our Kiosk!

Digital Ads
Digital Ads!
Get a digital ad made by us! One format for $35 (Wide/full screen or mobile version) or get them both for just $50! Post digital ads to your social media, websites, or share them directly to your customers preferred contact method wether that is text message, email, etc!

Custom Social Media Posts

Examples of Custom Posts
Example of Custom Posts